Who are We?
Stage Right Theatre Company was founded in 2016 in Northern Kentucky. The goal from the beginning was to provide the community with an accessible portal into the world of Theatre. One of the largest components of our company was the founding of an Arts Education program known as "Rising Stars Academy" which would serve as a platform (both literally and figuratively) for students to access the performing arts.
Our community has struggled to provide creative outlets to the youth in our area, and we eagerly took the lead in providing something unique to our young artists. Since we opened in May of 2016 our company has proudly mounted 8 productions, with 6 of them being family friendly, 3 being exclusively performed by young artists ages 6-18, and 2 of them featuring young artists ages 6-18.
Through our program we have reached students from 4 different counties, 9 different schools, and hundreds of students! Each production that we mount is of the highest professional standards, employing local artists to direct, design, build, and produce each show. Young Artists in our program are able to work with professionals in the business while learning the foundations of Acting, Singing, and Dancing; while also participating in workshops centered around everything from Set Design to Costume construction.
What do we do?
Rising Stars Academy produces a "camp" for 3 to 6 weeks (3 in the summer and 6 in the fall) in which students who have signed up are cast in a musical (past productions include Seussical Jr. and Annie Jr.). During the camp, students learn the show's songs, dances, and scenes all in preparation for a public performance. This fall our production is "Once Upon a Mattress". The program runs two days a week for 6 weeks with performances October 6, 7, & 8 at Grant County High School!
During the camp students not only learn their role in the show (every student who registers is guaranteed a role) but also valuable life skills such as responsibility, public speaking, teamwork, perseverance, and so much more.
Why do we need your support?
Each production we mount with Rising Stars costs about 10,000 to produce. From the performance royalties (which range from 1,500 to 2,000 a show) to the set construction and design (Which ranges from 3 to 5,000 a show) to the costumes (Approximately $500 to $1,000 a show) and our educators (which range from $2,000 to $3,000) the costs quickly add up.
Currently, to offset the costs of our programming we charge our students a $50 fee to participate in the program which helps, but barely covers performance royalties.
Our hope is to be able to continue to provide these programs at high quality, and to eventually lower or eliminate the participation fees completely, but we cannot do it without your help!